60 research outputs found

    Solutions of Klein--Gordon and Dirac equations on quantum Minkowski spaces

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    Covariant differential calculi and exterior algebras on quantum homogeneous spaces endowed with the action of inhomogeneous quantum groups are classified. In the case of quantum Minkowski spaces they have the same dimensions as in the classical case. Formal solutions of the corresponding Klein--Gordon and Dirac equations are found. The Fock space construction is sketched.Comment: 21 pages, LaTeX file, minor change

    Global Symmetries of Noncommutative Space-time

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    The global counterpart of infinitesimal symmetries of noncommutative space-time is discussed.Comment: 7 pages, no figures; minor changes in the bibliography; final version accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Quasitriangularity and enveloping algebras for inhomogeneous quantum groups

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    Coquasitriangular universal R{\cal R} matrices on quantum Lorentz and quantum Poincar\'e groups are classified. The results extend (under certain assumptions) to inhomogeneous quantum groups of [10]. Enveloping algebras on those objects are described.Comment: 18 pages, LaTeX file, minor change

    The Dirac operator and gamma matrices for quantum Minkowski spaces

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    Gamma matrices for quantum Minkowski spaces are found. The invariance of the corresponding Dirac operator is proven. We introduce momenta for spin 1/2 particles and get (in certain cases) formal solutions of the Dirac equation.Comment: 25 pages, LaTeX fil

    Symmetries of quantum spaces. Subgroups and quotient spaces of quantum SU(2)SU(2) and SO(3)SO(3) groups

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    We prove that each action of a compact matrix quantum group on a compact quantum space can be decomposed into irreducible representations of the group. We give the formula for the corresponding multiplicities in the case of the quotient quantum spaces. We describe the subgroups and the quotient spaces of quantum SU(2) and SO(3) groups.Comment: 30 pages (with very slight changes

    q-deformation of zaz+bcz+dz\to {az+b\over cz+d}

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    We construct the action of the quantum double of \uq on the standard Podle\'s sphere and interpret it as the quantum projective formula generalizing to the q-deformed setting the action of the Lorentz group of global conformal transformations on the ordinary Riemann sphere.Comment: LaTeX, 16 pages, we add a reference where an alternative construction of the q-Lorentz group action on the Podles sphere is give

    Geometry of Quantum Principal Bundles I

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    A theory of principal bundles possessing quantum structure groups and classical base manifolds is presented. Structural analysis of such quantum principal bundles is performed. A differential calculus is constructed, combining differential forms on the base manifold with an appropriate differential calculus on the structure quantum group. Relations between the calculus on the group and the calculus on the bundle are investigated. A concept of (pseudo)tensoriality is formulated. The formalism of connections is developed. In particular, operators of horizontal projection, covariant derivative and curvature are constructed and analyzed. Generalizations of the first structure equation and of the Bianchi identity are found. Illustrative examples are presented.Comment: 64 pages, AMS-LaTeX, To appear in CM

    A Characterization of right coideals of quotient type and its application to classification of Poisson boundaries

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    Let GG be a co-amenable compact quantum group. We show that a right coideal of GG is of quotient type if and only if it is the range of a conditional expectation preserving the Haar state and is globally invariant under the left action of the dual discrete quantum group. We apply this result to theory of Poisson boundaries introduced by Izumi for discrete quantum groups and generalize a work of Izumi-Neshveyev-Tuset on SUq(N)SU_q(N) for co-amenable compact quantum groups with the commutative fusion rules. More precisely, we prove that the Poisson integral is an isomorphism between the Poisson boundary and the right coideal of quotient type by maximal quantum subgroup of Kac type. In particular, the Poisson boundary and the quantum flag manifold are isomorphic for any q-deformed classical compact Lie group.Comment: 28 pages, Remark 4.9 adde

    Compactifications of discrete quantum groups

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    Given a discrete quantum group A we construct a certain Hopf *-algebra AP which is a unital *-subalgebra of the multiplier algebra of A. The structure maps for AP are inherited from M(A) and thus the construction yields a compactification of A which is analogous to the Bohr compactification of a locally compact group. This algebra has the expected universal property with respect to homomorphisms from multiplier Hopf algebras of compact type (and is therefore unique). This provides an easy proof of the fact that for a discrete quantum group with an infinite dimensional algebra the multiplier algebra is never a Hopf algebra

    Local Index Formula on the Equatorial Podles Sphere

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    We discuss spectral properties of the equatorial Podles sphere. As a preparation we also study the `degenerate' (i.e. q=0q=0) case (related to the quantum disk). We consider two different spectral triples: one related to the Fock representation of the Toeplitz algebra and the isopectral one. After the identification of the smooth pre-CC^*-algebra we compute the dimension spectrum and residues. We check the nontriviality of the (noncommutative) Chern character of the associated Fredholm modules by computing the pairing with the fundamental projector of the CC^*-algebra (the nontrivial generator of the K0K_0-group) as well as the pairing with the qq-analogue of the Bott projector. Finally, we show that the local index formula is trivially satisfied.Comment: 18 pages, no figures; minor correction